Regular school attendance is essential for student achievement. A record of attendance is required by state law and is carefully noted in a student's permanent record. Wisconsin State Statute 118.151(a) mandates compulsory school attendance for all children until the end of the term in which they become 18 years of age or graduate.
Attendance at school is primarily the responsibility of the student and the parent. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide reasons for their child’s absence.
Parents should call the school office at 920-885-7376 before 9:00 a.m. Voicemail will record calls prior to the start of the school day. If you leave a message, please include your child’s name, the name of your child’s teacher and why your child will be absent. If your child will be arriving late to school, please also let us know what time your child will be arriving and which hot lunch choice s/he would like for that day. In place of a phone call, a written note explaining an absence may be sent with another child in the family and given to the secretary prior to the absence.
Please refer to Board of Education Policy 5200 - Attendance