Student Arrival
- Students should not arrive before 8:25 am
- Doors Open: 8:30 am
- School Begins: 8:35 am
- Students who arrive after their class has entered the building, need to report directly to the main office. The student is marked late and transitioned to their appropriate class.
- The playground is not supervised before or after school. Please drop students off as close to the arrival time as possible and near their entrance door to the school. Also, students should be promptly picked up after school or be encouraged to walk directly home. Please practice safe routes prior to the start of school so that your child feels comfortable and safe transitioning to and from school.
- When dropping off children, please do not linger in the front of the building. This will help traffic to flow smoothly, eliminate congestion, and create a safe drop-off area for our students. PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY and CAUTIOUSLY during drop-off and pick-up times.
- If it is necessary to exit your vehicle, please use a designated parking space away from the front of the building.
- Buses, taxis, shuttle vans use the Circle Driveway to drop off students in the morning and pick up students after school. Please DO NOT PARK in the small parking lot adjacent to the Circle Driveway. Again, please park only in city approved parking spots where the curb is not painted yellow.